Udacity iti ofera sansa sa urmezi cursuri de Android in parteneriat cu Google. Ia aceasta sansa si incepe sa programezi sau sa iti rafinezi skill-urile. Exista doua cai, una pentru incepatori si alta pentru avansati. Aceasta oportunitate este valabila pentru rezidentii Uniunii Europene. Nu uita sa aplici pana pe 18 decembrie 2016. Bursele vor […]
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Posts tagged with 'Win a full scholarship to become an Android developer'
Win a full scholarship to become an Android developer A new year is coming soon—make it a year of new opportunities. Udacity is offering a limited number of full scholarships with funding from Google to help you become an Android developer. This is your chance to build your first app—or land a new job. If you’ve never written a line of code—or if […]
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